
Past and Present Courses 

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

FINC 425: Investment and Portfolio Management - Rigorous introduction to the fundamental principles and concepts of the valuation of stock and bonds (financial assets) in competitive and efficient financial markets. Risk and return analysis of portfolios of financial assets, capital market theory, security market theory, financial market microstructure, and professional ethics.

University of Mississippi, Oxford

FIN 331: Business Finance I - Principles of business finance with emphasis on financial analysis, investment decisions, cost of capital, and procurement of funds.

University of South Florida, Tampa

FIN 4412: Working Capital Management - An examination of short-term financial management, including cash management, credit and collection policy, inventory decisions, and sources of short-term financing. 

FIN 2100: Personal Finance - General education in financial information and data literacy, along with practical experience in personal financial management to encourage critical thinking and informed financial decision making to improve well-being.